Download Providers

  • Download from within coc.nvim: Run :CocInstall coc-ltex
  • npm (coc.nvim uses this for downloading)
  • Source on GitHub


How to Install and Use

  1. Install the requirements listed above
  2. Install coc-ltex by running :CocInstall coc-ltex
  3. If you want to check LATEX documents: Add let g:coc_filetype_map = {'tex': 'latex'} to ~/.vimrc (Vim) or ~/.config/nvim/init.vim (workaround for #425, until neoclide/coc.nvim#3433 is released)
  4. Open a LATEX or a Markdown document
  5. Wait until ltex-ls has been downloaded and started
  6. Grammar/spelling errors will be displayed! (if there are any)