🔧 Change: Refactor CLI into ltex-cli; --input-documents and --setings-file are deprecated and will be removed in a future release
✨ New: Add support for automatic language detection via language short code auto; language variants like en-US are not detected, only generic languages like en; this will result in spelling errors not being reported — #103
✨ New: Provide ID of LanguageTool rule via diagnostics code, not as part of diagnostics message
✨ New: Link diagnostics to LanguageTool website with more information
✨ New: Add support for the main option of the babel package (LATEX) — vscode-ltex#391
✨ New: Add setting ltex.ltex-ls.languageToolOrgUsername to set username on languagetool.org for Premium API access — vscode-ltex#398
✨ New: Add setting ltex.ltex-ls.languageToolOrgApiKey to set API key on languagetool.org for Premium API access — vscode-ltex#398
✨ New: Add support for ltex.dictionary when using a LanguageTool HTTP server
🔧 Change: Handle disabled rules ourselves to prevent reinitialization of LanguageTool when running the Disable rule quick fix — vscode-ltex#390
🐛 Bug fix: Fix LanguageTool reinitialized when running the Add '...' to dictionary quick fix — vscode-ltex#390
🐛 Bug fix: Fix wrong parsing of inline math formulas in Markdown when using dollar signs as delimiters and containing only one character (e.g., $a$)
🐛 Bug fix: Fix used i18n keys removed
🐛 Bug fix: Fix fallback from German to English i18n
🔧 Change: For binary archives, migrate from AdoptOpenJDK JREs to own Java runtime generated from Eclipse Adoptium JDKs
✨ New: Add support for more LATEX commands (\mathop, \overline, \tilde, \alpha, etc.) for automatic vowel detection in formulas in LATEX — #92, Shuhao Cao (@scaomath)
🔧 Change: Ignore non-object values for InitializeParams.initializationOptions — #65
10.0.0 (February 12, 2021)
🗑 Removal: Remove support for settings that are deprecated since 8.0.0: ltex.ignoreInRuleSentence, ltex.commands.ignore, ltex.commands.dummy, ltex.environments.ignore, ltex.markdown.ignore, and ltex.markdown.dummy
🔧 Change: Replace ltex/serverStatus request with ltex.getServerStatus command
✨ New: Add support for magic comments inside HTML comments in Markdown (<!-- ltex: SETTINGS -->)
🔧 Change: Check frame title in argument of LATEX Beamer frames — vscode-ltex#239
✨ New: Add range argument to ltex.checkDocument
✨ New: Check documents even if their code language is not supported
🐛 Bug fix: Fix comment sign before babel commands not recognized — vscode-ltex#245
🐛 Bug fix: Fix removing items in settings with a hyphen prefix sometimes not working
🐛 Bug fix: Fix space not added between two arguments of LATEX commands
🐛 Bug fix: Fix manually checking BibTEX documents not working
🐛 Bug fix: Fix words in dictionary containing markup not recognized
9.2.0 (January 29, 2021)
✨ New: Add support for Pandoc-style inline math ($...$) and display math ($$...$$ with $$ being at the beginning/end of a Markdown block) to Markdown parser — vscode-ltex#210
🐛 Bug fix: Fix false positives for words added by Add to dictionary for Slovak rule IDs MUZSKY_ROD_NEZIV_A, ZENSKY_ROD_A, and STREDNY_ROD_A — vscode-ltex#221
🐛 Bug fix: Fix BibTEX field seealso not ignored, ignore category and parent — vscode-ltex#211
🔧 Change: Disable UPPERCASE_SENTENCE_START in BibTEX files — vscode-ltex#211
🔧 Change: Move rule ID to the end of diagnostic messages as VS Code truncates the messages if the Problems panel is narrow — vscode-ltex#233
🐛 Bug fix: Fix regression that messages of possible spelling mistakes are not prepended with the respective unknown words — vscode-ltex#161
🐛 Bug fix: Fix crash when using \begin or \end without an argument — vscode-ltex#236
🔧 Change: Change $/progress tokens to include a UUID instead of a counter
9.1.0 (January 24, 2021)
✨ New: Add support for BibTEX files (language code bibtex) — vscode-ltex#211
✨ New: Add setting ltex.bibtex.fields to control which BibTEX fields should be checked
🔧 Change: Replace ltex/progress with $/progress — #34
✨ New: Add customCapabilities in InitializeParams.initializationOptions
🗑 Removal: Remove unneeded command arguments type and command
🔧 Change: Replace \dots with Unicode ellipsis … instead of three dots ... to fix some false positives
✨ New: Add documentation
8.1.1 (November 24, 2020)
🔧 Change: Migrate from Travis CI to GitHub Actions
8.1.0 (November 15, 2020)
🔧 Change: Prepend messages of possible spelling mistakes with the respective unknown words — vscode-ltex#161
✨ New: Add support for optional arguments of \newtheorem
🐛 Bug fix: Fix wrong position of diagnostics when using a recognized LATEX command with a non-recognized set of arguments due to an infinite loop — vscode-ltex#167
✨ New: Add workaround to eliminate the need for workspace-specific setting names; ltex.dictionary, ltex.disabledRules, and ltex.enabledRules can now be used in multiple setting scopes (user settings, workspace settings, and workspace folder settings) at the same time without overriding each other; instead, the settings of the different scopes will be properly merged (see documentation)
✨ New: Add support for \usepackage[LANGUAGE]{babel} if in the same file as the text to be checked — vscode-ltex#140
✨ New: Add support for more BibLATEX commands such as \autocite, \citeauthor, etc. — vscode-ltex#143
✨ New: Add support for overriding hard-coded command signatures — #27
🔧 Change: Move handling of external setting files from ltex-ls to vscode-ltex
🔧 Change: Increase duration before sentences expire in the result cache to 60 minutes
🐛 Bug fix: Fix many settings changes cleared sentence cache, which led to performance issues, e.g., changing the ltex.enabled setting via magic comments — vscode-ltex#134
🗑 Removal: Remove dependency on org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient by using the HTTP client that comes with Java 11 when connecting to an HTTP LanguageTool server
7.3.1 (October 12, 2020)
🐛 Bug fix: Fix delayed publication of diagnostics by adding workaround to guess the caret position
🐛 Bug fix: Fix recheck being triggered when generating list of quick fixes; this should improve speed
7.3.0 (October 10, 2020)
✨ New: Add support for \ell as well as \mathcal, \mathfrak, etc. to vowel detection — vscode-ltex#131
🐛 Bug fix: Fix diagnostics sometimes not lined up with the text with switching back from incremental to full document updates; unfortunately, this disables the delayed publication of diagnostics at the caret position
🔧 Change: Restructure and simplify internal quick fix and command structure, removing the need for pseudo-telemetry notifications
🐛 Bug fix: Fix performance issue with multiple languages in one document via magic comments due to LanguageTool being reinitialized on each keystroke — vscode-ltex#124
7.1.1 (September 20, 2020)
🐛 Bug fix: Fix NullPointerException when supplying relative paths to external dictionary files
🐛 Bug fix: Fix German log messages
7.1.0 (September 20, 2020)
✨ New: Add support for external dictionary files — vscode-ltex#118
✨ New: Add support for enabling/disabling LTEX only for specific file types via ltex.enabled — vscode-ltex#19
✨ New: Add support for acro commands such as \DeclareAcronym and \ac — vscode-ltex#19
✨ New: Add support for \addcontentsline — vscode-ltex#19
✨ New: Add support for \printbibliography and \printglossary without argument
🔧 Change: Ignore parenthesis arguments of textblocks — vscode-ltex#19
🐛 Bug fix: Fix optional argument of heading commands such as \section parsed incorrectly — vscode-ltex#123
🔧 Change: Include stack traces when logging exceptions
✨ New: Add settings ltex.workspaceDictionary, ltex.workspaceDisabledRules, and ltex.workspaceEnabledRules with window scope to amend the corresponding user-specific settings; these are workspace-specific settings that should be configured in workspace settings
✨ New: Add settings ltex.workspaceFolderDictionary, ltex.workspaceFolderDisabledRules, and ltex.workspaceFolderEnabledRules with resource scope to amend the corresponding user-specific and workspace-specific settings; these are workspace-folder-specific settings that should be configured in workspace folder settings
🐛 Bug fix: Fix \todo couldn’t be ignored — vscode-ltex#63
🐛 Bug fix: Fix wrong language-dependent settings used for magic comments
🐛 Bug fix: Fix add to dictionary and disable rule quick fixes using wrong language when used with magic comments
🐛 Bug fix: Improve code quality by fixing hundreds of Checkstyle, SpotBugs, and Checker Framework warnings
🔧 Change: Migrate from Gradle to Maven
🔧 Change: Update Maven dependencies
5.0.0 (June 1, 2020)
✨ New: Include all languages in LTEX LS; this removes the need for language support extensions — vscode-ltex#6
🔧 Change: Adhere to semantic versioning. This means that the version of LTEX LS is not tied to the version of LanguageTool anymore, as the version of LanguageTool is not a semantic version. LTEX LS 5.0.0 uses LanguageTool 4.9.
🔧 Change: Rename ltex.<LANGUAGE>.dictionary → ltex.dictionary (object with <LANGUAGE> keys)
🔧 Change: Rename ltex.<LANGUAGE>.disabledRules → ltex.disabledRules (object with <LANGUAGE> keys)
🔧 Change: Rename ltex.<LANGUAGE>.enabledRules → ltex.enabledRules (object with <LANGUAGE> keys)
✨ New: Support multi-root workspaces, all configuration settings except ltex.enabled are now resource-specific — vscode-ltex#7
🔧 Change: Save dictionary settings under full language short code (e.g., en-US instead of en). If you already have a dictionary under ltex.en.dictionary and use en-US as language (not en), you have to rename the settings name to ltex.en-US.dictionary (similarly for other languages).
🗑 Removal: Remove diagnostics when a file is closed
🐛 Bug fix: Prevent insertion of text in TikZ mode
✨ New: Add support for more commands such as \newenvironment, \newgeometry, and \pagenumbering
4.6.13 (September 26, 2019)
🐛 Bug fix: Fix LTEX LS not reinitialized after a language extension has been installed (which was missing during initialization)
4.6.12 (September 25, 2019)
🐛 Bug fix: Patch LanguageTool’s AnnotatedText with linear interpolation to hopefully fix the fromPos must be less than toPos LT errors for good
🐛 Bug fix: Fix \footnote in math mode messed up text mode and math mode
🔧 Change: Increase robustness in case locale or settings are not provided
🔧 Change: Ignore all brace and bracket arguments after \begin{environment} (tabular, array, etc.)
✨ New: Add support for some more commands and environments such as \pagestyle and eqnarray
4.6.11 (September 23, 2019)
🐛 Bug fix: Detect and prevent infinite loops in LatexAnnotatedTextBuilder
🐛 Bug fix: Fix infinite loop with other line endings than \n
🐛 Bug fix: Fix some more fromPos must be less than toPos LT errors
🔧 Change: Check for interrupts to avoid 100% CPU usage on timeout (this doesn’t fix any bugs though)
✨ New: Add support for \email, \href, and \verb|...|
✨ New: Add support for more citation commands (\citep, \citet, etc.)
✨ New: Add support for float/theorem definition commands and starred sectioning commands
4.6.10 (September 18, 2019)
🐛 Bug fix: Fix NullPointerException if LanguageTool has not been initialized — #1